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How Not to Get Old

How Not to Get Old

Description: While getting old is a way of life, you don't have to look older as you age. From anti-aging lotions to surgical procedures, Brits spend millions each year to try to look younger. But is that money being put to good use? Presenters Anna Richardson and Louise Redknapp investigate that question in this programme that takes a look at whether anti-aging products work as advertised. Each episode features two people who want to turn back the clock on a particular body part - one who prefers a non-invasive approach and the other who opts for the surgical route. Each is advised by industry experts and people who have already gone through with the chosen treatment method. The programme showcases the subjects from first consultation through their recovery processes so viewers can see the before and after of each person's anti-aging journey.
Genre: Documentary
Year Released: 2013
First episode air date: August 7, 2013
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