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Description: The life of several people whose lives revolves around a typical Montreal Guest House at the "Plateau-Mont-Royal" district. The main caracter, Symphorien, is a naive but sympathetic fellow, who is the janitor for this guest house run by Mrs. Sylvain, a single yet bumbling lady who runs the house in a strict, efficient way. However, she has sometimes some conflicts with one of the boarders, Ms L'Esperance, whose man-hunting tactics does not make unanimity all the time. And also endures a wacky undertaker, Oscar Bellemare, who woos Ms L'Esperance despite the warnings from his mother, an extreme conservative lady, who will marry a "snob from the West" later. About Symphorien, his life goes in a rollercoaster: he has a family of 14 children, with a dominating wife, endures an annoying and arrogant mother-in-law as well as a cop, Constable Beaulac, who blames every trouble he gets on him, befriends a con man (Donat Labonte), but seems to have at least a good time with his brother Ephrem, with whom he tells jokes to him, but the latter retells them in a way nobody understands them. The life of several people whose lives revolves around a typical Montreal Guest House at the "Plateau-Mont-Royal" district. The main caracter, Symphorien, is a naive but sympathetic fellow, who is the janitor for this guest house run by Mrs. Sylvain, a single yet bumbling lady who runs the house in a strict, efficient way. However, she has sometimes some conflicts with one of the boarders, Ms L'Esperance, whose man-hunting tactics does not make unanimity all the time. And also endures a wacky undertaker, Oscar Bellemare, who woos Ms L'Esperance despite the warnings from his mother, an extreme conservative lady, who will marry a "snob from the West" later. About Symphorien, his life goes in a rollercoaster: he has a family of 14 children, with a dominating wife, endures an annoying and arrogant mother-in-law as well as a cop, Constable Beaulac, who blames every trouble he gets on him, befriends a con man (Donat Labonte), but seems to have at least a good time with his brother Ephrem, with whom he tells jokes to him, but the latter retells them in a way nobody understands them.
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Year Released: 1970
First episode air date: September 8, 1970
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