Plot: Tokyo Control is a 2011 Japanese television drama series that is produced by Sony and Fuji Television. It is the first television series in 3D made in Japan.This television series revolves around air traffic control, and it stars Ayako Kawahara and SaburÅ TokitÅ as air traffic controllers...
Plot: YÅ«sha Yoshihiko to MaÅ no Shiro is a 2011 Japanese television Parody comedy about Yoshihiko, an inept hero who sets out to find the cure to a plague, but ends up fighting a larger evil. Wikipedia
Plot: Legal High is a 2019 South Korean television series starring Jin Goo, Seo Eun-soo and Yoon Park. It is a remake of the award-winning 2012 Japanese TV series of the same title. It aired on JTBC from February 8 to March 30, 2019. Wikipedia